Comparison of lamp technologies

I am very grateful to David Matyus-Flynn of Lighting Enterprises Consultancy Ltd (01923 282911 or 07973 968905) for the material in this table. David conducts energy and design related lighting surveys as a level 4 consultant for the Carbon Trust, and also provides unique teaching and awareness workshops on 'Energy Effective Lighting' for large independent groups, electrical contractors' associations and surveyors who are involved in the energy rating of commercial buildings.

Type Luminous efficacy
(lumen per
circuit watt)
Hours life

standard 12 2,600 100 1,000
long life 8.75 2,500 100 6,000
extra long life 5.25 2,500 100 16,000

Tungsten Halogen 18 - 20 3,000 100 2,000 - 8,000

Compact fluorescent 47 - 82 2,700 - 4,000 85 8,000+

38mm T12 white fluorescent tube 36 - 71 3,500 59 7,000+

25mm T8 fluorescent tube
white (SG) 37 - 68 3,500 58 8,000+
white (HF) 55 - 80 3,500 58 8,000+
full spectrum multiphosphor (HF) 64 5,000 95 17,500
triphosphor (HF) 71 - 92 2,700 - 6,000 80+ 12,000 - 24,000
triphosphor extreme (HF) 71 3,000 - 4,000 80+ 40,000 - 60,000
triphosphor (HF) 57 - 82 2,700 - 6,000 90+ 12,000+

16mm T5 triphosphor (HF)
high economy 66 - 82 2,700 - 6,500 80+ 16,000+
high output 62 - 76 2,700 - 6,500 80+ 16,000+

7mm T2 triphosphor (HF) 55 3,500 - 6,000 85 8,000 - 12,000

Metal halide (SG) 71 - 83 3,000 - 6,000 65 - 85 8,000 - 20,000

Metal halide (HF) 86 - 95 3,000 - 6,000 65 - 85 8,000 - 20,000

Mercury (SG) 31 - 57 3,900 - 4,200 36 - 49 12,000+

Mercury D/Luxe (SG) 31 - 57 3,300 - 3,500 47 - 58 12,000+

Low pressure sodium/E (HF) 148 - 173 1,800 0 6,000

High pressure sodium (SG) 65 - 103 2,000 25 12,000 - 30,000

High pressure sodium D/L (SG) 78 - 85 2,200 65 12,000

White sodium (HF) 31 - 46 2,500 80 8,000+

Induction (HF) 62 - 70 2,700 - 4,000 85 10,000 - 60,000

Light emitting diode 50 - 100 Saturated
3,000 - 6,000
70 - 80 50,000 - 100,000