Incidental benefits of energy saving

Instrumentation, recommended
See Test equipment

Application of material to hot (or cold) surfaces, or within the fabric of buildings, to reduce the loss or gain of heat. Click here for an article about building fabric. Also download my occasional paper on insulating paints. To estimate the savings from insulating pipework click here

International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol. Document defining the terms used in, and conventions applying to, the objective evaluation of savings achieved by energy conservation measures. Available to download free from

Internal Rate of Return. The test rate of discount at which the net present value of discounted future cash flows is zero.

ISO 14001
International Standard for management systems related to environmental management. Treats energy superficially as one of many aspects.

ISO 50001
International Standard for management systems related to energy. More specific and stringent requirements than ISO14001. See the Club 50001 support web site.

iButton miniature temperature recorders