Heat rate
Rate of heat loss from a building in watts per degree inside-outside temperature difference(W/K). Takes into account conduction (thermal transmission through the building envelope) and convection (heat losses in ventilation and infiltration). See this calculation tool

Heat map
Concise method of visualising demand profile data at (say) 30 minute intervals, in which demand levels are colour-coded on a grid with each vertical stripe representing one day, running midnight to midnight from top to bottom. Read more and see example

Heat recovery

High efficiency motor: electric motor designed to reduce losses and maximise mechanical power output for a given electrical power input

Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning.

Horizontal-axis Wind Turbine

Heat pump
Refrigeration equipment usually to provide heat by cooling outside air, body of water, or ground

High frequency. In energy management usually referring to the frequency of power supplied to fluorescent discharge lamps by electronic as opposed to inductive choke control gear.

Heat map display